
Don’t get “left” at the altar!

Are you dreaming of getting married? Or married again? What are you thinking, girl? But if you must, here are some suggestions from a 1953 bridal magazine:

“At the wedding rehearsal, don’t be shy about participating in the rehearsal.” The custom of having a stand-in was considered an outmoded superstition for the progressive post-WWII bride. One, therefore, has to presume that before that time, it was bad luck for a bride to show up at her own wedding rehearsal. Odd. Did she think her intended groom would bolt for the door if he saw her?

“Do remember to practice a slow, natural walk up the aisle. No skating.” That was in the advice for brides. Um, I didn’t know brides skated back then. Even if the reference only is to walking in your prettiest high heels, ditching the ice skates, it’s still a stretch to imagine how brides would ‘skate’ up the aisle. A floor-length gown would present unimaginable problems to any form of walking that remotely resembles skating.

BTW, “the whole wedding party should move in perfect unison, guided by the music. And don’t forget that everyone should start off on the left foot.” Now imagine everyone in perfect lock-step proceeding up the aisle like a battalion of soldiers marching in a parade. Decidedly strange in a church. Or anywhere.

There’s no explanation why the left foot must be selected. In fact, there are many old superstitions about getting off on the wrong foot. That means starting a relationship badly as the wrong foot is the left foot. The left side of the body is associated with evil and bad luck. Even the word sinister refers to the left side of a shield. Doesn’t everyone want to start off on the right foot?

Whichever foot you choose to start on, may your future be joyous.

Once upon a time . . .

Pondering the next story… I’m writing a series of comedy romances, all set in the semi-mythical tiny town of Cawston. Yes, Cawston is a real area, but I’ve tweaked it to be the backdrop for strange locals and people desperately in love. I’ll let you know when the first book is ready; I hope you’ll enjoy it – and laugh ’til your belly is sore.


Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other. (George Yasenak, in Was It Good For You Too?)

Author Bio – Aggie Stevens

Aggie Stevens has looked for love all over the world. Um – other people’s love lives; not her own. As a world traveler, she has spoken to thousands of people about what they want in their relationships and in their lives. This rich store of anecdotes, along with magic and mysticism, finds its way into her stories. Whether it’s a rollicking small-town romance or a brooding historical epic, the story delves into what matters most to the heart.


As a newspaper reporter, she has chatted with compassionate judges and criminal jerks; with young ballerinas, sexy opera tenors and fading stage stars. As an airport operations officer, she’s been behind the scenes in international airports. She’s been an advertising manager and part-time psychic, although the latter skill hasn’t done much for her own private love life.


Aggie mines the richness of life to bring you stories about the splendor of love.


She lives in Southern British Columbia, very close to the mysterious, huge Lake Okanagan. If you’re looking for her during the summer, check the beach.